Electronics CHSE +2 Sc second year syllabus download

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 +2 2nd Year THEORY

Unit -1 Periods -10

(a) Amplifiers:- -RC coupled transistor amplifiers, voltage gain, frequency

Response Curve, Band Width, Gain Band Width product, Advantages and use : power

Amplifiers-, working principle,

(b) Feedback amplifiers:- Feedback technique, gain, negative feedback, voltage feedback

amplifiers, current feed back amplifiers, effect of negative feed back on input and output

impedance, voltage gain,

(c) Oscillators:- Condition for sustained oscillation, Bark-haussen criterion, tank circuit

with positive feedback,, Hartley oscillator, colpitt oscillator, , Crystal oscillator and its

frequency stability. (Qualitative analysis of all these oscillator).

Unit-II Periods -10

(a) Modulation and transmitters:- Type of modulation, amplitude modulation, side

band, power dissipation in side band, modulation index and its significance, AM

transmitter(explanation in block diagram),

Frequency modulation : super heterodyne receiver (explanation in block diagram),FM

demodulation FM detection, block diagram of FM receiver and explanation of each stage,

Unit-III Periods -8

(a) Digital Electronics:- Decimal and binary numbers, conversion, binary arithmetic,

Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s theorems.

Logic gates – OR,AND, NOT,NAND,NOR,XOR, circuit symbol, use, truth table only

(No electronics circuit for NAND, NOR & XOR)

(b)Antenna :- Principle and basic idea, types of antenna, dipole antenna,

Marconi Yagi antenna, use in transmission,

Unit-IV Periods -8

(a) Propagation of Radio Waves:- Modes of propagation of radio waves: ground waves,

sky waves, space waves, skip distance, maximum usable frequency, general idea

about satellite communication,

(b) TV :- Principle of TV transmission, , TV transmitter

and receiver (explanation in block diagram).

Unit-V Periods -8

(a) Power Electronics :- Idea about JFET,SCR, , UJT, their working,

characteristics and uses.

(b) RADAR and CRO:- Basic principle of Radar, Block diagram of Radar, its function and


Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Basic idea and use with working.




This Post Has One Comment

  1. Madhu

    Pls share link of 1st year syllabus of Electronics

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